Thursday, September 18, 2014

I have not met a computer yet...

Well the P.A. liked my heart sound but was concerned about how much I wheeze when I cough. She wants me to have a bone density test and hearing test. I know...I know...I am falling apart what else is new!!!!

Yeah, yeah I got it now!!!

Today I successfully got rid of Windows 8, have I said before how much I do NOT like Windows 8?? Well I sat myself down and thought I always win with my computers they are artificial intelligence and I am...well a human!!!

Now I could make a killing!

Twink had a great time running all over the place today, watching me put the garbage in black 2 mil bags (she loves to get in the garbage). Lucky heads for the hills as soon as I pull out a black bag and snap it open, chicken! While I took the dishes out of the dish washer Twinkle Toes had her front paws on the door of the dishwasher watching with an eagle eye at...nothing!

Well time for TV or I will be back to 103 shows that need attention! I will leave you with this it is something I used to say about my ex-husbands friend, his name you much wood could Chuck Wood chuck, if Chuck Wood could chuck wood!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pssst hey lady wanna buy...

As I was saying he made me an offer I could refuse. I repeated I have NO MONEY and just then ride drives by, and I instinctively know she will drive around the block. So I start moving myself to the corner just as she pulls up, the guy shows up and tries to sell her the necklace!! I was still feeling the effects of my medications so the ride home is fuzzy except for the guy with the jewelry that was funny, I told Mary I had the 20" necklace in my hand...14K but it had no weight.

HOME at last I was so tired I went to bed and slept for a whole day and a half!!! Lucky was a bit peeved but Twinkle Toes was all over me, and has been since. They are not so friendly towards each other as they were when I initially brought Twink home, she is leery of Lucky and he will just attack her for no reason! Him being a HUGE cat and her so dainty I worry...

Lucky Doodles
Twinkle Toes

Since the McReunion I have been trying to do my own housework...not doing a very good job. The home physicians assistant was coming for my yearly check up, free through my insurance company and medicare, so I swept and vacuumed before she got here. I was exhausted, my living room is only about 12'x20' and the way I had it carpeted the dining area is still hardwood floor the dividing line is an angle using what is called a Z strip. So the area I vacuumed was only 6'x8' I just huffed and puffed thinking to myself, you cannot do this anymore, and I was on my oxygen the whole time!

My Floor Plan

Well the Matrix P.A. showed up and gave me a physical at home she was so nice and very thorough! Some things she did not like and a lot more she did like! It took about 2 hours and I felt real good about her results and suggestions she want me to have some testing done...results to follow!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Take Greyhound and leave the driving to us...not so much!

SO, I took the night and day to make great memories with Sharon and Skip, took it easy and the bus STOPPED at the bus stop! The driver was very nice, though my cousin Sharon said later she did not like his attitude!

I was having a very difficult time getting comfortable and just when I do...potty break. Off I go down the aisle because being handi-capped I sit in the front of the bus and of course the bathroom is in the back of the bus, so down the aisle I go whoops hit a bump (I AM NOT KIDDING ABOUT ANY OF THIS) and landed in a very nice mans lap. Get back on my feet and we make a turn now I fall into another gentleman's lap across the aisle, I just kept saying "Next dance." It was a bit easier getting back to my seat, I tried to lie down, and decided this is not going to work! I went back online and chatted for a while on Facebook.

Now we get to Pittsburgh, PA and have a bus change this is about a third of the way home and I am treated like royalty! Uneventful ride to Cleveland, OH where there is not only a bus change but a layover of an hour. I went to the concierge or help desk and asked how this works with a new bus where do I stand/sit and wait, I am NOT going to miss the bus! So he gentleman looks at me and my name, asks me if I was the person the bus passed up in Ebensburg, PA to which I painfully replied, yes!

The whole station was like on red alert or something, I was walked to a seat offered water and they tucked my baggage next to me. After about an hour and a half our last bus of the trip showed up and we departed for Detroit, MI I was so happy! I knew my friend Mary would be there to pick me up so I just took my medications and zapped for the rest of the ride. When we get to Detroit I let all of the passengers out and I debark last, this is when I notice I lost one of the lenses to my glasses! The bus driver turned all the lights on and let me search, which did not take but a few minutes and I realized what a lost cause this was.

I get out of the station and it was windy and cold so I looked for a nook or cranny to set myself down and watch for my ride when this guy comes up and tries to sell me, get this a 20" gold (ahem) chain for 50 bucks it still had the jewelers price tag on it!!! When I say no he comes up with a bracelet to match the necklace and offers a joint price...Then...whoops stay tuned again, talk to you all later!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hey y'all been away so lets start slow...with the reunion and the day after...

Let's see my trip on the bus to Pennsylvania seemed to fly by, this guy shared my front row seat and we talked and he fed me and we talked some more and he fed me again, his name was Ron and he was a sweetheart! And when we stopped over he was like a mother hen! When I finally got to Ebensburg, PA I thought he was going to cry (and he gave me more food to take with me!)!

My cousins Sharon and Skip were there and we first went to their place and then to the reunion. It was a blast I wish I would have stayed longer, not enough time with my family. My cousin Kathleen McQuillen sat with myself and my cousins for dinner and I took some pictures and movies...I just remembered that!

Now the stay was only for 18 hours so it went real fast, and the next thing ya know is Sharon, Skip and I are at the designated bus stop, and we watched the bus fly right by us!!!! My cousin Skip jumped in his SUV and tried to catch it, hmmm I wonder if it was he did not want me to be penalized or wanted me out of his computer room??? Gonna have to call him about that!

So having the bus pass me up and not even a brake light...I called Greyhound and realized it was Sunday and they were closed for the weekend?! Now Monday morning I am on the horn with the Bus Company they informed me that the proper repercussions would take place and that my ticket was good for Monday night. More to come...stay posted!!!