Sunday, September 14, 2014

Take Greyhound and leave the driving to us...not so much!

SO, I took the night and day to make great memories with Sharon and Skip, took it easy and the bus STOPPED at the bus stop! The driver was very nice, though my cousin Sharon said later she did not like his attitude!

I was having a very difficult time getting comfortable and just when I do...potty break. Off I go down the aisle because being handi-capped I sit in the front of the bus and of course the bathroom is in the back of the bus, so down the aisle I go whoops hit a bump (I AM NOT KIDDING ABOUT ANY OF THIS) and landed in a very nice mans lap. Get back on my feet and we make a turn now I fall into another gentleman's lap across the aisle, I just kept saying "Next dance." It was a bit easier getting back to my seat, I tried to lie down, and decided this is not going to work! I went back online and chatted for a while on Facebook.

Now we get to Pittsburgh, PA and have a bus change this is about a third of the way home and I am treated like royalty! Uneventful ride to Cleveland, OH where there is not only a bus change but a layover of an hour. I went to the concierge or help desk and asked how this works with a new bus where do I stand/sit and wait, I am NOT going to miss the bus! So he gentleman looks at me and my name, asks me if I was the person the bus passed up in Ebensburg, PA to which I painfully replied, yes!

The whole station was like on red alert or something, I was walked to a seat offered water and they tucked my baggage next to me. After about an hour and a half our last bus of the trip showed up and we departed for Detroit, MI I was so happy! I knew my friend Mary would be there to pick me up so I just took my medications and zapped for the rest of the ride. When we get to Detroit I let all of the passengers out and I debark last, this is when I notice I lost one of the lenses to my glasses! The bus driver turned all the lights on and let me search, which did not take but a few minutes and I realized what a lost cause this was.

I get out of the station and it was windy and cold so I looked for a nook or cranny to set myself down and watch for my ride when this guy comes up and tries to sell me, get this a 20" gold (ahem) chain for 50 bucks it still had the jewelers price tag on it!!! When I say no he comes up with a bracelet to match the necklace and offers a joint price...Then...whoops stay tuned again, talk to you all later!

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