Thursday, September 18, 2014

I have not met a computer yet...

Well the P.A. liked my heart sound but was concerned about how much I wheeze when I cough. She wants me to have a bone density test and hearing test. I know...I know...I am falling apart what else is new!!!!

Yeah, yeah I got it now!!!

Today I successfully got rid of Windows 8, have I said before how much I do NOT like Windows 8?? Well I sat myself down and thought I always win with my computers they are artificial intelligence and I am...well a human!!!

Now I could make a killing!

Twink had a great time running all over the place today, watching me put the garbage in black 2 mil bags (she loves to get in the garbage). Lucky heads for the hills as soon as I pull out a black bag and snap it open, chicken! While I took the dishes out of the dish washer Twinkle Toes had her front paws on the door of the dishwasher watching with an eagle eye at...nothing!

Well time for TV or I will be back to 103 shows that need attention! I will leave you with this it is something I used to say about my ex-husbands friend, his name you much wood could Chuck Wood chuck, if Chuck Wood could chuck wood!


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