Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mostly Mundane...

Well I know some of you may be thinking how could yesterday be topped! Now let me tell you this really is pretty usual for one of my more mundane mishaps.

 Last January I came home from my annual trek to see my friend Glenn Shakatko and his wife Sandra in Phoenix (another real fun adventure for another day) and I had been expecting something from UPS when I thought to myself, lets look out back. Actually, I said it to the cats not to myself.

Anyway I go to the back door and low and behold there is my package backed right up to the door, and as many of you know storm doors open OUT so I could not budge the door NO, because in Michigan this past January 2014 was one of a should I say...accumulative snow! I got angry, which is so out of character for me, I shoved the door and to my utter surprise it opened and I lost footing in the snow slipping off the porch and into my...wait for it...wait...BLACKBERRY BUSH!

 Wearing only my nightgown and mother nature! Yes another youtube night for my neighbors, I thank my lucky stars it was 3:00 am and everyone but myself was asleep in the complex, I hope. So a few bruises and many, many scratches and no pun intended raspberries later I am still alive! So for another day I will tell you about the time...


  1. You actually ended up in the blackberry bush? I hate to ask but did you remember to take the package in the house after all that? Oh my.

  2. Yes, it was a bit squished but the bubble wrap kept the contents intact!
